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80 years later: Wellington’s memorial crash at Soarremoarre –

80 years later: Wellington’s memorial crash at Soarremoarre –

Exactly eighty years after the crash, on Monday, November 8, 2021, the Vickers Wellington X9976 of the British Air Force crashed on Sormore Meadow in Ness. Six young group members – still in their twenties and thirties – were killed. Three of them are from New Zealand, one from Ireland and two from England. During this annual commemoration, Heerenwine graced the evening at the Alderman Headwich Rings Memorial in Municipality.

The permanent monument, a large rock with the names and descriptions of the RAF crew, was unveiled during the 2010 commemoration. The ceremony was attended by next of kin and representatives of the embassies in the UK and New Zealand. Lorraine Gray, daughter of deceased co-pilot Trevor Headley Gray, was allowed to open the memorial. After its release, the company visited the Gerrit Haagsma’s Museum 40-45 in Aldeboarn, which contained decaying parts, including the original aircraft engine of the Wellington X9976. The English plane was shot down by German fighter pilot Helmut Lent.

Photo: J. de Haan

Here Additional information about the monument

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