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A new poll shows that Belgians support existing and new nuclear energy |  local

A new poll shows that Belgians support existing and new nuclear energy | local

The Belgians have never been more positive about maintaining existing nuclear reactors and expanding nuclear power. This is evident in a new survey conducted by the Nuclear Forum, the association of companies and professional organizations in the nuclear sector.

The poll was conducted among a thousand Belgians. Nearly 85% of those surveyed believe nuclear power has a place in the electricity mix in the future, more specifically in the years after 2025. This number is much higher than in previous surveys in 2017 (30%), and 2019 (46%) %). and 2021 (43 percent).

For the Belgian, extending the lives of Doyle 4 and Tihang 3 for ten years is not enough. About 86% of Belgians want to expand all nuclear reactors, provided that the federal armed forces see that this can be done safely and the necessary technical upgrades are implemented. Eight out of ten Belgians also want to extend the reactors for more than ten years, as long as it is safe to do so. Even for three-quarters of the country, reopening the recently closed nuclear reactors, Tehang 2 and Doyle 3, is not taboo.

look. “The agreement on nuclear reactors is beneficial for security of supply and the climate.”

The poll also shows that support for new nuclear energy has increased among Belgians. When asked whether our country should build new nuclear power plants, seven out of ten Belgians answered in the affirmative. In 2019 and 2021, this percentage was much lower, at 63 and 48 percent, respectively. A majority of respondents (87 percent) want our country to invest in SMRs, smaller, streamlined nuclear reactors that are more flexible and safer than current large nuclear power plants.

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Finally, 13% want to keep the nuclear steps law in its current form. For a large part of the population, the approach to the energy file and the party’s position on nuclear energy will also influence their choice in the voting booth next year.

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