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Also in northern Italy severe flooding due to heavy rains …

Severe weather continues to devastate Europe. After previously our country, Germany and Austria were hit by torrential rains, northern Italy is now also in a state of inundation. On Lake Como, streets turn into rivers and cars drift away.

The torrential rain created hallucinatory scenes around Lake Como. The land was swept away by the mountains and some landslides also occurred. The towns of Valle d’Intelvi, Brino and Argino were particularly hard hit: some regions were cut off from the world.

The pictures show how cars drift, wood and mud float in the streets and how water flows here and there with great force. Heavy rainfall kept the Bregia River, one of the rivers in the region, swelled. Earlier, the area around Milan was also hit by torrential thunderstorms, and here large hailballs fell from the sky.

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