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Apple wants to turn AirPods into hearing aids and thermometers

Apple wants to turn AirPods into hearing aids and thermometers

If it’s based on Apple, AirPods will soon be able to function as hearing aids or a thermometer. The tech giant will develop prototypes.

The fact that Apple considers health to be of paramount importance is illustrated by the more comprehensive functionality of the Health app. The Wall Street Journal I now have access to internal documents that indicate that Apple has big plans for future AirPods. Further development could allow the bud to act as an ear thermometer or even as a hearing aid.

Hearing Aid and much more

Moreover, future AirPods can inform the user of his body position. The American newspaper spoke to sources concerned with the project. They confirmed the plans, but Apple itself declined to comment at this time. Prototypes will be under full development. Absolutely nothing is known about its shape and technical details.

Earlier, it was rumored that Apple wanted to expand its health application by registering mental illnesses in time to be able to refer to medical help. For example, the tech giant is looking for ways to detect cognitive disorders and depression. It is not yet clear if this is possible using algorithms based on data about a user’s mobility, physical behaviour, sleep patterns or typing behaviour.

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