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De Jong, OMT Member: Concerns about vulnerable populations.  “They were vaccinated early and protection is ending.”

De Jong, OMT Member: Concerns about vulnerable populations. “They were vaccinated early and protection is ending.”

Mino de Jong, a virologist at the UMC Amsterdam and a member of the outbreak management team, is concerned about the increase in the number of coronavirus infections. “We have to take into account that the infection is still leaking into the vulnerable population.”

He says it in the Amsterdam channel AT5.

Although this vulnerable population is vaccinated, the vaccines provide less protection against the current delta variant, according to De Jong. “Plus, the most vulnerable populations were vaccinated earlier in the year, so protection is already beginning to come to an end.”

Nobody expects this

De Jong was shocked by the current increase in the number of injuries. “I don’t think anyone expected this, such a significant increase after two weeks of easing. This is above all expectations in the models as well. It also means that the models no longer provide the compass.”

The virologist fears that the increase will again lead to more hospital admissions and seriously ill patients. “Now that we’ve seen those numbers, we don’t know what’s going to happen.”

Long-term risk of Covid in young people

Although young people have almost no chance of catching a serious infection, De Jong already points to the long-term risk of contracting Covid. “This is a related risk. I think a lot of people know someone who has been sitting at home for months, no longer able to work, and people are very tired. If this becomes a large population among young people who can no longer study or work, it will have a huge impact. Also “.

Partygoers should always be tested

The OMT member also advocates that future club audiences should always be tested in advance, rather than just showing a vaccination or recovery certificate. “This is much safer, because we know that vaccination does not protect 100 percent from delta variant infection.”

Dancing with Jansen: Sorry مؤ

According to De Jong, the relaxations introduced recently were evident given the numbers that were in place at the time. He called the so-called “Dance with Janssen campaign”, in which young people could get out immediately after receiving a jab, but it was “a bit unfortunate”. “The vaccine doesn’t work right away. It’s been reversed now, but it won’t help.”


The virologist hopes that the current measures will have an effect and that the exponential growth in the number of virus infections can be quickly halted. “We are now dealing with a race between vaccination and the delta variant. At the moment, the delta variant is clearly the winner. But next month more will be vaccinated, and more people will receive their second vaccine. On August 13, you are already in a different situation, where he might win. vaccination team.

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