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Evening view of the Central Observatory of the Netherlands, Friday, November 17, 2023

Evening view of the Central Observatory of the Netherlands, Friday, November 17, 2023

November 6, 2023 at 10:24 pm

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Friday evening, November 17, 2023, is the third viewing evening of the season at the Midden-Netherlands Observatory. With clear skies you can enjoy the stars and planets that evening. Jupiter and Saturn are now beautifully visible during the long dark evenings. And if you’re lucky, you can see the Andromeda Galaxy.

During the open viewing evening, which starts at Het Groene Huis, there will be various presentations on stars, planets, telescopes, astrophotography, black holes and the universe. You can also ask the observatory members all your questions about the universe, telescopes and the activities of the Netherlands Central Observatory.

Diamond chandelier

What about the approach of winter, heralded by the constellation Taurus with its magnificent diamond chandelier? Have you ever held a star in your hands? This is possible this viewing evening at the observatory.

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The open viewing evening is fun for young and old and is free. There is free entry from 7:30pm to Het Groene Huis. There you will first receive a nice presentation about the universe and the observatory. Then you can go to the observatory where the telescopes are installed.

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