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How the West pushes the world into the corona abyss

How the West pushes the world into the corona abyss

More than a year after the onset of the corona epidemic, we can carefully draft this bill. Although Govit-19 (Probably) Comes from China, mainly Europe, which spread the virus around the world. Since then, Western countries have been buying most of the vaccines, while Western countries have refused to issue vaccine patents and measure international production to fight the epidemic.

It doesn’t stop there. Less prosperous countries are being forced by the West to reduce health and social security nets amid the unprecedented crisis of poverty and famine. In short, the West is the main culprit for the dramatic course of the epidemic.

Europe as a superspreader

In early 2020, it came to a premature end for the Western media that caused the corona eruption: China. The Chinese government is said to have withheld sensitive information and acted very slowly to arrest the whistleblowers. ‘Shi’s crime’, Head Progressive weekly too Green Amsterdammer On President Xi Jinping’s ‘outrage over public opinion control’. There will be Chinese sanctions One to three weeks Delayed policy allows the virus to spread worldwide by January 2020.

But it is now clear that most countries are not affected by China. From An inventory The so-called Index cases (Pollution first confirmed within a country) shows that at least 93 countries are affected by travelers from Europe. Italy alone is responsible for 46 index cases, while China is involved in only 27 index cases. Europe was by far the most important source of first infections worldwide, and also the cause of imported infections after the first index case.

For example, the large-scale spread of the corona virus was primarily in the United States Via New York, Which is a steady flow in February and March 2020 Affected travelers from Europe. We see one in Africa Similar image: In the first 44 days of the epidemic, 84 percent of imported corona infections came from Europe, 7 percent from the United States and less than 1 percent from China.

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Long allegations against China – from threatening whistleblowers to withholding information – already exist Knock out again and again. Different studies Point out that the corona virus was already in circulation in 2019 without being detected in Europe. Therefore, China can never prevent this epidemic. Moreover, it is highly hypocritical to expect that China, with its limited knowledge of the time, would have immediately announced a complete lockout. Most countries outside of Asia did Six to eight weeks About taking any action after the World Health Organization (WHO) declares an epidemic.

When China closed Hubei airports (a province inhabited by nearly 60 million people) on January 23, there were only 500 confirmed cases related to Govt-19 worldwide. Der Comparison: The largest European airports will be open throughout the first wave, except for a few closed terminals after the number of flights naturally decreased.

Moreover, unlike many Asian countries, no European country follows a policy Zero Covid-strategies – Aimed at eradicating the virus completely. Although Europe became a global corona fire in the critical early months of the epidemic, many European leaders openly flirted with the unscientific idea of ​​group immunity. Countries that have taken such measures Vietnam, Mongolia, South Korea, Taiwan and New Zealand quickly exploded within their borders.

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Western countries are buying more vaccines

Although Western countries spread the corona all over the world, the same countries demanded most of their vaccines. The United States, the United Kingdom, Israel and the European Union are all together Almost half Of the global vaccine levels, they represent only 11 percent of the world’s population. The entire African continent (excluding Morocco, which excites it) received only half a percent of the vaccines, while almost 17 percent of the world’s population lives there (excluding Morocco).

Given the number of vaccines purchased (including dosages that have not yet been produced, delivered, or administered), the rate can be even more drastic. The United States, the United Kingdom, Canada and the European Union are all together Purchased 3.5 billion vaccines, Four sizes per person on average. The African Union and Latin America (excluding Brazil) receive doses of 0.2 and 0.4 per person, respectively.

Not named

This biologist is developing a vaccine for Africa (because we buy everything)

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Rich nations bought together like a plaster on an open wound 1 miljard size Through the WHO-Covax program, to donate to low-income countries. But covax vaccines Not in the short term Given. In early April, the United States and the United Kingdom were even closer Nothing provided To other countries. Most so far Vaccines have so far been provided in less affluent countries China And, to a lesser extent, India.

The West sees the epidemic through the lens of nationalism and competition, rather than working together. Western countries are not getting faster and more vaccines, they do Pay less. For example, compared to $ 5.25 for South Africa and $ 7 for Uganda, the EU pays AstraZeneca 16 2.16 per injection (the average citizen earns $ 2 a day. Activists around the world now run Rural areas Against the patent rights of corona vaccines. It is an attempt to pressure Western companies to share their knowledge with as many manufacturers as possible Production Cheap generic versions Can be measured substantially.

South Africa and India served An offer Covit-19 to the World Trade Organization (WTO) for obtaining vaccines, testing equipment and patents. Drugs To cancel. Than One hundred countries Voted in favor. The European Union, the United States, the United Kingdom, Brazil, Australia and Japan voted against Blocked Such an important way out of this infection. Internal Notes The EU meeting that discussed the patent waiver showed that the states were unanimous against the proposal and were particularly concerned about the potential damage to their own image.

Western relations with the pharmaceutical industry are very close. Pharmaceutical companies received Billion euros For government support to develop vaccines. According to him, the development of any of the Western vaccines – the development of moderna 100 percent Paid by the government. Pfizer Is expected Its corona vaccine has sold $ 15 billion this year, of which $ 4 billion is net profit. Western nations are therefore blocking an important stage in the fight against the epidemic of their companies making excessive profits. Corona vaccines are expected to be one of the most profitable pharmaceutical products of all time.

Mandatory cut back in healthcare

The corona epidemic, often caused by the West, is increasing and prolonged, with massive impacts on global poverty and inequality. It is estimated that the number of people suffering from severe hunger Doubled By 2020, 270 million people are at risk. Due to the infection, die every month And 10,000 children People under the age of five from stuttering as a result of malnutrition.

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Even before the epidemic, the global (social) safety nets of the world were largely broken International Monetary Fund And this World Bank, Two banks with policies mainly in the West Determined. In the run-up to the epidemic in 2018-2019 Forced The International Monetary Fund has implemented at least 86 countries to implement various cuts in exchange for loans to reduce freezing or wages, reducing benefits and pensions, reducing food subsidies and reducing health care. An agreement with the International Monetary Fund is required for better access to credit in the international market, which gives the bank the greatest level of power.

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‘Not corona, but inequality is the greatest danger’

Chris de Blog says a fair health system is more important than a vaccine.

During the epidemics, austerity demands continued. An Oxfam study shows that 84 percent International Monetary Fund loans with austerity requirements or advice from the plague. There are already at least 72 countries In 2021 Austerity measures must be implemented long before the global vaccination campaign can get off to a good start. Cuts Purpose Including important social security nets set up during health care and epidemics.

There was a gesture from the west. In March 2020, the G20 Try The least prosperous 46 countries should temporarily suspend lending, but that effort Too low, too late. The G20 initiative involves only a trivial one 1.66 percent Total lending by developing countries and private (Western) banks and multinational corporations such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Not participating anyway.

Lack of unity from the West is common

Governments in the southern world will be paying more by 2020 $ 194 billion More to borrowers than borrowed ($ 167 billion excluding loans to China). Important resources to combat epidemic, poverty and malnutrition are thus sent to the banks.

In comparison, China is providing its own from the plague Twice How much deferral of (loan) payments Full G20 attempt. only that 20 percent Among the loans of low-income countries are debt to China and China Personal income It is still 3 times lower than the average of rich OECD countries.

The West continues to point to China

Trump’s synophobic statements about the ‘Chinese virus’ (hateful of China and Chinese) are now insulting. Nevertheless, the Western media and politicians point to China as the main culprit for the epidemic. New Democratic Foreign Minister Anthony Blingen also recently said that the epidemic was “out of hand” because of China.

The facts show otherwise. During epidemics, it was widely affected by the global southwest, denied good access to vaccines, and then pushed into deep poverty. A simple, comprehensive freeze on their debts – let alone a complete cancellation – was more than enough to demand. Lack of unity from the West is common. Don’t let the endless fingers pointing at China distract you from it.


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