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Loïc and Jamie-Lee take a look at ‘Traitors’: ‘In respect of production, I would have done things differently today’ |  television

Loïc and Jamie-Lee take a look at ‘Traitors’: ‘In respect of production, I would have done things differently today’ | television

BVFor weeks, they played on their territory ally after ally in “Traitors”, but after several episodes it turned out that the agreement between them was not weatherproof. Jamie Lee Six, 23, turned her back on her classmates and played Walter Damen at Home without batting an eyelid. Loc Van Impe (29) couldn’t stand her betrayal and then turned things upside down by posing as a traitor. By revealing his true identity, Loic determines not only his own fate, but also that of Jimmy Lee. At the last round table, she was brought home by the remaining allies. “People underestimate how difficult this is for us.”

“I am a traitor.” With these four words, Loïc Van Impe offers a fascinating plot twist on “The Traitors”. The chef’s TV statement also had dire consequences. By hiking himself, he broke one of the rules of the game. Production, not knowing anything about it, had no choice but to kick him out of the game. Loeck tells us about the moment it all exploded: “They really just fell out of the sky.” “I was so paranoid that I no longer trusted anyone. Only at the round table I put my cards on the table. The production had no choice but to intervene, but the damage was already done.” Then Hannelore’s other candidates voted for his house. The next day the curtain fell on Jimmy Lee, the only remaining traitor.

Re-watch here: Loc announces to the Round Table that he is a traitor.

What if Loïc himself was satisfied with the end of the program? “No,” it seems obvious. “But for me, the show was long gone. Traitors ended for me when Jimmy chose to betray Walter.” That Jamie Lee started lobbying on her own against her fellow traitor is incomprehensible to Luke. “Then that was enough for me. From the moment I joined Walter at the round table, I already knew: I’m leaving tomorrow. The best way out of the game, according to the TV chef, is to blow himself up.” I felt more like an ally. In addition, it was important for me to keep my word. I was loyal to the agreement and to the people with whom I made it. Betrayal within traitors gave me one last push. For me, the allies had to win.”

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mixed feelings

In the past, Loïc would have handled the situation differently. “It’s very double,” says the TV chef. “On the one hand, I regret that I broke a rule. My respect for the programmers and for the productions, so I would have approached it differently today. Regardless, I would do it again a little differently. The traitors were going to lose anyway. Nils and Senior were going my way. Besides, I didn’t want to put my fate in Jimmy Lee’s hands, because I felt so badly betrayed by her.”

Why Jimmy Lee blew up the traitor deal remains a question mark for Loïc. “Maybe she didn’t feel heard during the secret meetings? That seems to me the most logical explanation, but she never really expressed herself about it. If so, she should have just said it. Then we would have heard her. Did she do it for the followers and for the sake of the followers? Fame? I personally think that’s not the case. Who knows, maybe she’s just as deep into the game as me? You have to ask her.”

What Loc thinks wrong is the fact that Walter has manipulated them. “If that turns out to be her motive, I can only say that it is not. The point of the game is to get as far as possible with as many traitors as possible.”

(Read more below the image.)

very strong

Loeck doesn’t deny that it was emotional. “People have no idea how hard it is. Plus, as a viewer you’ll only see a very small part. Suddenly you’re with people you don’t know 24/7. You have to make new connections, but at the same time there’s a constant lying to each other.” Some. Not exactly the ideal environment to work together,” it sounds like laughing.

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The whole situation is starting to bear fruit. Earlier, a frustrated Astrid Coppins let her feelings liberate. Near the end, Nils Albert and Bart Kall had a hard time as well. But Loïc himself also had a hard time. “The game has affected me too,” he admits frankly. “On the day of my plea, I had packed my bags in the morning. I had had it. I felt betrayed by another traitor and wanted to go home.” The TV chef did not expect that the whole situation would affect him in this way. “I am a very rational person, so I never expected that I would be so vulnerable. In the end, all eighteen of us signed for it. It was really very intense.”

Loeck fully understands the fact that not everyone supports his reaction. “People might criticize me for what I’ve done, but that doesn’t mean I can’t express my opinion about how someone else is playing the game. Everyone shouldn’t forget that this is a game. That’s my opinion and I have a feeling the majority feel the same way.”

In the meantime, most of the candidates are already still in contact with each other. “Every day I hear at least one person from the show. I still talk to some of the participants regularly. I even sent Jimmy Lee last Monday.” “Have we played it so intense? I won’t deny it, but it is a TV show and it always will be.”

Jamie-Lee Six: ‘I’ve been playing it sloppy sometimes, but that’s not really who I am’


Loïc Van Impe did indeed provide a major plot twist, leading to the disbelief of the remaining allies and fellow traitor Jamie-Lee. “I was really shocked,” Jamie Lee told us when we called her. “I could really sink into the ground at that point. I’ve been lying and cheating for an entire week with the sole aim of making the traitors win.”

Why Loïc played the game this way is always a mystery to Jamie Lee. It sounds obvious: “I still don’t understand.” “I think he was so deep into the game that he didn’t know what was real and what wasn’t. People also underestimate how hard this was for us. I was completely mentally disturbed by the game. I never expected it to be this severe.”

Communication problem

During The Editors, Loïc Van Impe explained that he felt betrayed by Jamie-Lee, but she still stands behind her tactics. “He thought I had betrayed the traitors, but in my opinion, he ended up doing the same. It wasn’t my goal to play the game alone. I played the game from a point of view that traitors had to win.” According to her, the plot development in the end could have been avoided. “If Loic wasn’t as deep in the game he might have played it differently and voted for Walter like the rest. I also warned him beforehand that I wouldn’t stick to the agreement. If necessary, I’d vote for Walter. Personally I thought that was the smartest move. So I’m sorry because Everyone did not understand my decision.” Jamie Lee, in turn, admits that communication could have been better. “Some things were overlooked. Not only on my part, but also that of the other candidates. Clear communication was very important, but it wasn’t always successful.”

It became clear earlier in the program that communication was sometimes a problem. Astrid Coppins, for example, felt unheard of by the other allies. She had known for some time that Walter was one of the traitors, but was frustrated when the other candidates did not believe her. Even then, emotions were running high and until near the end, some of the candidates, including Jimmy Lee himself, were amazed. “It looked like it was organized, but it wasn’t. People were freaking out. I can also totally understand that some people no longer know who can be trusted and who can’t be trusted. It was especially intense at the round table at times.” After Loic declares at the Round Table that he is a traitor, Jimmy Lee gets tired of himself little by little. She knew she couldn’t win the game alone. “For me it was really allowed to stop at the time,” admits Jamie Lee. “I got tired of lying. I played dirty sometimes, but that’s not really who I am. I acted hoping to win. When I got banned, I was really happy that it was over.”

Also Rewatch: This is how Jamie-Lee is blocked by the remaining allies.

head held high

Jamie Lee has no more bad memories of being taken away from the Round Table. “The other allies respectfully banned me. They didn’t blame me, so I was happy to get out of the game that way.” Although she would have preferred to win the game herself. “Of course I wanted to finish the match with Loc or Walter. My goal in Traitors was always to win the match.”

The Western Flemish influencer was already peacefully banned by the remaining candidates. She herself does not hold any grudges towards other participants. “I totally agree with everyone and got to know everyone in a very interesting way. Moreover, we all know in the back of our minds that it was just a game.”

Read also:

‘I’m a traitor’: Loc offers a fascinating plot twist on ‘Traitors’

Little Mama Maureen Vanherbergen stands on her turf in “Traitors”: “Sieg kept playing after he got out” (+)

Twitter is full of praise for Nils Albert after his plea against Walter Damen in ‘Traitors’

See also: Loïc on the plot development of “Traitors”: “Even the production knew nothing”