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More than 40 dead in Taiwan skyscraper fire |  News

More than 40 dead in Taiwan skyscraper fire | News

At least 46 people were killed in a skyscraper fire in Kaohsiung, a coastal city in southern Taiwan, on Thursday. This was reported by the local media. More than 50 were also injured. The number of casualties may rise because many residents on the upper floors became trapped.

The 13-storey building is 40 years old. It includes both apartments and companies. With many empty restaurants, karaoke clubs, and movie theatres, the building is also known as the “Haunted House”.

© Environmental Protection Agency

According to unconfirmed news, the fire broke out on the first floor. About 150 sprinklers worked for hours to control the fire. The US Central News Agency quoted officials as saying that escape routes were closed, hampering rescue efforts.


© AP

Many of the apartment building residents are elderly people with a physical disability or dementia. There are fears that many will fail to escape the burning building. On the upper floors there are about 120 apartments.


© AP

Environmental Protection Agency

© Environmental Protection Agency

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