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Nature Today | Nature Magazine July 10, 2024

Nature Today | Nature Magazine July 10, 2024

Eating and being eaten is one of the principles of nature. Every species has its natural enemies. If you have Makes a bee hotelSometimes you have to deal with it up close. Because despite all our good intentions to help solitary bees, sometimes they are also a fast food restaurant for predatory insects. One of the uninvited guests is wall mournerwith the ominous Latin name Anthrax AnthraxThe wall-winged hoverfly emerges in June from last year’s nests, which should already be inhabited by bees. The female hovering on the wall watches over the tunnel where the bee lays her eggs. Even before the bee closes the passage, the fly swings her abdomen toward the entrance to the nest and throws her eggs inside. It is assumed – but not entirely certain – that the eggs are weighed down with small grains of sand, making them easier to throw. The bee then undoubtedly closes the passage, and the fly larva crawls over the bee larva and eats it, its skin and hair. It eats and is eaten. By the way, the scientific name is not as ominous as it sounds: anthrax comes from the Greek word for coal. And according to the appearance of the goat wall: black as coal.

Perhaps one of the most beloved insects in our garden is the Queen of the pageA true “queen” among butterflies: it is the largest species we have in the Netherlands. The movements of this butterfly are almost regal, its large wings allow it to float gracefully from flower to flower. You can significantly increase the chances of having this butterfly in your garden. Nectar plants are important, but the queen pages are mainly looking for a place where their offspring – the caterpillars – can grow safely. They prefer fennel, (wild) carrots and dill. The butterflies can smell these plants from a distance and will circle the plant for a while to see if it is suitable. If so, the butterfly lays one or more eggs on the plant. They are virtually invisible, but once fully grown, the caterpillars are just as impressive as the butterflies. An added bonus: fennel, carrots and dill are also edible. So double the fun!

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Text: Ineke Radstadt, Nature Today
Photos: Peter van Breugel, Saxifrage; Cars Feeling, Butterfly Foundation