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Suspect murdered Peter R. de Vries in court |  abroad

Suspect murdered Peter R. de Vries in court | abroad

De Vries is photographed at Lange Leidsedwarsstraat in central Amsterdam on July 6, after his performance on “RTL Boulevard”. He was on his way to the parking lot to pick up his car. The suspects are 35-year-old Paul from Maurik (Gelderland) and a 21-year-old man from Rotterdam. Rotterdam is a suspected shooter. The other suspect was said to have been driving the getaway car. Shortly after the attack on the A4, near the Leidschendam exit, the two were trapped and arrested.

The board meeting is closed. On this occasion, three judges will consider, among other things, extending the period of pretrial detention of suspects. This extension can be extended for a maximum of 90 days. This is followed by a preliminary hearing called a preliminary hearing, at which continued pre-trial detention is also considered. The Public Prosecution Service (OM) will usually explain the progress of the criminal investigation at such a hearing. The initial hearing is open to the public.

Suspects are subject to restrictions, which means that they are not allowed any contact with the outside world except for their lawyers. The restrictions also mean that neither the Public Prosecution Office nor the suspects’ lawyers can make any announcements about the case.

The court does not announce the location or date of the hearing.

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