Cheraw Chronicle

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Texas lawmakers cheer when governor is strict …

Texas lawmakers cheer when governor is strict …

Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott on Wednesday signed into law a bill banning abortion six weeks after conception. The law also gives citizens the right to charge doctors who perform abortions after six weeks. The video above shows Texas lawmakers cheering after Abbott signed into law.

The new law is the strictest abortion law in the United States. The issue is part of a series of similar abortion laws recently passed in Republican states.

Arkansas’ new strict abortion law aims to overturn a historic Supreme Court ruling

Lawmakers who support such laws have said they want to eliminate ‘raw versus wade’. The famous 1973 Supreme Court ruling guarantees the right to abortion in 50 states. Women are allowed to interrupt their pregnancy until the baby is ‘impossible’ outside the womb, which is equivalent to 24 weeks of pregnancy.

Earlier this week, the Supreme Court opened the door to reject “Row vs. Wade” by reviewing Mississippi’s attempt to ban abortions 15 weeks later.

The U.S. Supreme Court is examining the strict abortion law

heart beat

Texas law, which goes into effect in September if not stopped by court, allows citizens to file civil lawsuits against doctors or a woman who has had an abortion once a heartbeat has been diagnosed.

In an open letter earlier this month, about 200 Texas doctors expressed concern that the law would expose physicians to the risk of “trivial lawsuits threatening our ability to provide health care.”