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The challenge succeeded after six years: Brit Park in all its 211 supermarkets |  The best thing about the web

The challenge succeeded after six years: Brit Park in all its 211 supermarkets | The best thing about the web

Gareth Wilde from Bromley, UK, calls it “his greatest”. Six years ago, the challenge of occupying every parking lot at the local supermarket began. There were 211. On Saturday he filled the last gap in his schedule. mission accomplished.

Gareth Wilde is a 39-year-old production manager who lives in Bromley, South East London. Six years ago, he noticed that he had a preference for some parking spaces in Sainsbury’s car park, a regular local supermarket for 16 years. In 2015, he took up the challenge himself to use all the parking spaces. With the exception of places for the disabled and motorcyclists, it counted 211 spots. He had already parked his car in the family parking lot when he went to the supermarket with his daughters. His four-year-old daughter in particular has often been on errands.

He compares it to collectors. “It looks a bit like Panini’s poster albums in the past, but it’s a really boring version,” Wilde told the Palestinian News Agency. Carefully keep a spreadsheet listing all of the places I’ve parked. He divided the car park into zones, from A to F. On Saturday he could locate F20. Was the last. “A moment of joy,” Wilde described how he felt.

It took Gareth Wilde six years, although he calculated that with 60 grocery store visits annually, he could have done so in four years. “It is alarming that my global pandemic has slowed me down,” he wrote on Twitter.

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On social media, he posted a ticket to other customers with what he believed to be the best and worst parking spaces in the car park. Wilde also announced that he has already seen a similar parking project in neighboring Lidl.