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There are no buildings in Open Space Ter Duyst

There are no buildings in Open Space Ter Duyst

Ninove – On Thursday, March 11, the municipal council approved the rezoning of the residential expansion area between Denderhoutemban-Expressweg-Grüneweg to open space.

At the beginning of the session, Councilor for Spatial Planning Katie Coppins (Samin Forwit) explained the reason for this urgency. “We want to repurpose the area and turn it into open space. If we want to make this decision after April 15, we will have to For millions of euros Damage payment plan. That's why we had to get the initial decision approved by the municipal council before that date.

She gave two reasons for the switch: “It has been the city's vision for years not to continue development and construction in this area, mainly for the sake of getting around the city and specifically Denderhoutemban. Furthermore, we are planning another wind turbine in Dorn-Nord in the future; it would be inconvenient to obtain a permit if “There was a residential expansion there.”

Ask Solva

As spatial planner for the inter-municipal Solva, Alexandre de Wit explained the content of the RUP Open Space Ter Duyst, the issues surrounding the legislation to be changed, the decree instrument, the policy context and the choices made during the planning process. Council members can then ask him technical questions about the file.

Danny Goossens (Forza Ninov), as a resident of Denderhoutembaan and one of the interested parties, had very specific questions about the possibility of creating an unpaved garage road at the back of a number of terraced houses. It doesn't seem simple.

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Jordi de Dubilier (Samin-Gruen) asked how realistic the planning damages that the city would have to pay in the new scheme were. Obviously, this could rise to €6 million after April 15.

Wouter Vande Winkel (Samen-Groen) had a side question about the installation of wind turbines in Doorn Noord: on the land on which they will be located. According to Councilor Alan Trist (Open Vld), this was on city property.

Political discussion

Vande Winkle then spoke of the “disruption” undertaken by the Flemish government, by directing everything to the local government, including damage to planning. The Flemish Association of Cities and Municipalities (VVSG) also protested against this approach.

Which in turn sparked a reaction from Stijn Vander Elst (Open Vld). If the local government decides to change the zoning and render the building land worthless, compensation is normal.

Jordi de Dubilier wondered why this piece of the residential expansion area was removed first and not others, for example in Aspelare, Outer and Meerbeke. Alderman Coppins reiterated the reasons for this: navigation in the already congested Denderhoutbahn area and future wind turbines in Dorn-Nord.

During the vote, 17 members gave the green light, 12 abstained, and one member did not vote. The final decision on the file will later be presented to the Municipal Council for approval.

Information: Watch the full discussion here.
