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Two Afghan brothers die after eating poisonous mushrooms in Poland |  Abroad

Two Afghan brothers die after eating poisonous mushrooms in Poland | Abroad

In Poland, two children of a family recently brought to safety from Afghanistan died after eating poisonous mushrooms. The five-year-old son of the escorts died Thursday of the effects of the poisoning. The Central Children’s Hospital in Warsaw said the six-year-old’s life on Friday seemed unsalvageable. The boy had undergone a liver transplant the day before. Their seventeen-year-old sister has been discharged from the hospital.

The children arrived in Poland with their families on August 23. They were quarantined at the immigration reception center in the town of Podkova Lisna, near Warsaw.

A day after they arrived at the shelter, the family went to the nearby forested area to collect mushrooms and make soup from them. According to information received from the Palestinian News Agency, the poisoning was caused by green mushrooms. This is a highly toxic mushroom that is often confused with an edible variety.

The two boys and their 17-year-old sister were taken to hospital on 26 and 27 August. The girl was already allowed to leave the hospital.

An investigation was launched after the children were poisoned. The authorities contradict reports that the boys ate mushrooms because they did not receive enough food at the Budkoa Lisna shelter. There they would have three meals a day.

Natuurpunt and Anti-Poison Center warn at the beginning of the mushroom season: it is allowed to watch, not pick and eat less