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The new Osiris matchmaking trials stir controversy

The new Osiris matchmaking trials stir controversy

Bungie added help with matchmaking for the Destiny 2 Trials of Osiris mode to make it more accessible to more players, but this caused quite a bit of controversy.

Trials of Osiris is a competitive 3v3 PvP mode in Destiny 2 with high stakes, but also valuable rewards. Players must try to become “flawless” by winning seven games in a row. If they do, they will get exclusive rewards in the lighthouse.

Kotaku It comes with details of this matchmaking disc in Trials of Osiris, which were shared in the latest This week at Bungie. This is part of the renewal Trials of Osiris Since fashion has been offline for a while.

The first change was the arrival of “Flawless Pool” which brings together players who have achieved flawless feat in the matchmaking group. Players will remain in this pool until the weekly in-game reset.

Players who have difficulty in Trials of Osiris will receive Bungie’s Matchmaking Assistance until they win again. It’s a temporary fix, so we’ll see if it lasts longer or gets removed from the game.

According to Bungie’s Community Manager, Cozmo_BNG: “We offer help with matchmaking if someone loses multiple matches in a row.” And that temporary mechanic disappears when he wins again, so I don’t think anyone can take advantage of that by losing a few matches until then it’s easy to win everything.”

Subscribed to Twitter Tweet embed His view is that this system “can prevent players from playing again if they pass flawlessly.” It can also encourage some players to fiddle with the system by resetting six wins so they don’t end up in the Flawless group.

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This new system, according to Cozmo, is a “work in progress” and will be adapted in the future if necessary.

“We monitor the notes and the numbers and try to balance quick matches with good matches for all players,” Cosmo said. “This is certainly not certain.”

Check out more about Destiny 2 here, including the latest details on The Witch Queen, due out in February 2022, and news that Gjallarhorn is back.