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A new policy plan for space and mobility in Wellbrook – Reflex Radio

A new policy plan for space and mobility in Wellbrook – Reflex Radio

The Municipality of Wellbrook has decided to develop a new Place and Mobility Policy Plan, which will replace the current Spatial Structure Plan from 2006. The new plan should record the municipality’s spatial vision for the coming years, taking into account current social and climate challenges. The plan will also contain concrete actions to achieve the vision.

Strategic vision

The Spatial Policy Plan is a strategic document that outlines the spatial development of the municipality. The plan indicates where and how the municipality wants to grow, what functions and activities will be given space, how open spaces and nature will be protected and enhanced, how mobility and quality of life will be improved, etc. The plan is also a legal framework that forms the basis for issuing permits and developing spatial implementation plans.

The Spatial Policy Plan is an innovative tool that, according to the Council, should give the municipality greater flexibility and effectiveness to address future spatial challenges. The plan should provide an answer to issues such as qualitative densification, sustainable activity, climate adaptation, open space architecture and blue and green networks.

External partner

To develop the spatial policy plan, the municipality will collaborate with an external operations supervisor and designer, who has the necessary experience to develop a spatial vision based on research, engagement, and policy frameworks. The municipality will also have an environmental impact assessment plan (environmental impact report) drawn up to assess and avoid or limit the potential impacts of the spatial vision on the environment.

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Ambitious plan

Local councilor for the environment, Pavo Ancio, is excited about the new spatial policy plan: “With this plan, we want to create a clear and ambitious vision for the spatial development of our municipality. We want to further develop Willebroek as an attractive and liveable municipality, where everyone feels at home and where there is space to live, work and relax.” And meeting. We also want to set an example in terms of sustainability and climate resilience, by nurturing and connecting our open spaces and waterways. We want to shape this plan in collaboration with our residents, businesses, associations and other stakeholders, so that it is supported by all those involved in Space at Wellbrook.

The starting signal for preparing the Spatial and Mobility Policy Plan was given during the Municipal Council meeting in November 2023. The new Spatial and Mobility Policy Plan will be drawn up during 2024, with the necessary consultation and communication moments. The plan will then be submitted to the municipal council and the Flemish government for approval.