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After this year’s disaster: “The British production team wants to go to the Eurovision Song Contest with Jesse J” |  Famous

After this year’s disaster: “The British production team wants to go to the Eurovision Song Contest with Jesse J” | Famous

FamousWill we see Jesse J (33) again at the Eurovision Song Contest next year? The opportunity does exist, because according to one of the sources, the organization contacted the British singer to ask if she would like to participate in the Eurovision Song Contest.

“After this year’s disaster, the production team is looking forward to a fresh start. They are now trying to attract a few talents with certain promises like better sales and international attention,” a source said in an interview with Britain’s The Sun newspaper.

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Great Britain did really poorly at this year’s Eurovision Song Contest. British singer James Newman scored 0 points from the jury and audience. According to the source, they have now found the perfect candidate for next year in Jessie J. “They think she is the perfect choice because she already has a huge following in Europe.”

Whether they can effectively sign the singer, remains a question. Jesse J, the ex of Channing Tatum, is really popular anyway and also has a very busy schedule. Last Friday, she just released her new single, I Want Love, and soon she may also have to promote a new album.

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