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Amsterdamse received the 20-year-old newspapers for six months …

Amsterdamse received the 20-year-old newspapers for six months …

A police officer in the Amsterdam borough solved a private case. A local resident has had two newspapers in her mailbox every Saturday for the past six months. It was strange that the newspapers were twenty years old. The police officer discovered that this was the work of a man suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder.

District police officer Cees shared his story on the Facebook page of the Amsterdam Police. One day he saw a complaint from one of Agnita. Agneta was the only one in her apartment complex to receive two old, unread newspapers on Saturday in addition to Volkswagen Krant. Was it revenge after a complaint from the delivery person, another targeted action? She couldn’t figure it out. “

Tickle the puzzle inside neighborhood cop Hercule Poirot. “So I decided to post at her door at night. Everything and everyone passed by, no one stopped. But finally, at around 2 pm, a cyclist stopped right in front of the balcony.” The policeman thought for a moment that he had arrested the perpetrator, but the man carried a small dog in his bike basket and then continued driving. At about 6 in the morning, Officer Sis saw a strange man who caught his attention. Not long after, he saw the man shove two thick newspapers into Agneta’s box. District Police Officer Sees spoke to the man. “The man voluntarily escorted me to the station, where he told me while having a cup of coffee that he forcibly returned every Saturday to the neighborhood in which he grew up. There he always threw some old newspapers stored at home in a randomly chosen mailbox.”

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“He promised from now on to take his newspaper to the paper trash. His local police officer later visited him to follow up on care. In a short time, the man is helped and Agneta feels comfortable. And this is how we love to see her!”