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Belgian first-time skiers: “It’s a great sport, but we’re all friends too” |  the Olympics

Belgian first-time skiers: “It’s a great sport, but we’re all friends too” | the Olympics

One of the new sports in the Tokyo Games is skateboarding. Show sport requires a lot of attention right away. Today the Belgians went to explore the skate park in Tokyo again. “The garden is better than I estimated based on the photos,” says Laure Brugman.

Laure Brugman will be the first woman to represent our country in skateboarding. “It’s exciting,” she says, “but I see it.” “It’s hot in here, I still have to get used to it. We have snow jackets and try to drink a lot.”

“The first training sessions we really had to figure out the park. What are the options? What would that be a potential run? In the meantime, I’ve already managed to put something together and now I’m trying to keep that running. I feel good and I think it’s a great park. It’s even better From what I thought based on the photos and videos. I’m having fun and that’s the most important thing.”

The first set is already in the morning. “I’m not really a morning person,” Brugman laughs. “Rather asleep. But it will work for once.”

I’m more sleepy, but for once that morning my skating will work.

“If my first run goes smoothly, I still have the option of making the second round more difficult. The goal is to get out of the playoffs. I will not comment anywhere. If I am satisfied with the performance, I am happy.”

Brugman supports the Olympic idea: participation is more important than winning. “I’m here to experiment. If I only came here with the goal of winning, I wouldn’t have fun. And for me that’s one of the most important points in skating.”

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“The opposition is great, but we are friends. There is not much competition between us, we encourage each other.” Is skateboarding a major sport? “Sure. Skating here in the heat, and then you’re wrecked. It’s also tough both physically and mentally.”

Watch the interview with Laure Brugman

Cruysberghs: ‘Not a childhood dream, but very special’

Among the men, too, there are those who defend the Belgian honor West Fleming. “Whether it’s a coincidence? I think we owe a lot to the indoor skate park Rampaffairz,” says Axel Crossbergs.

“I’m so happy to be here to do something: skateboard. It’s not a childhood dream at all. When I started skateboarding, there was nothing like games. I started about two years ago. It’s so special to be here and see these other athletes.”

The Cruysberghs are trying to stay afloat in Tokyo. “I wouldn’t suddenly start training hard in fitness, for example. That’s not possible. We train every day in the park. And It was waived. Concrete reflects off heat and light.”

I know all the other skaters. We really don’t hope someone will fall, for example.

“There’s competition, but we’re all friends too. I know all the other skaters well and don’t really hope someone else will fall, for example.”

“I want to enjoy myself and not think too much about somewhere. I would really like to get 8th. That would be very cool, but if it doesn’t work out, I will also be happy that I got here.”

See some pictures of the Belgians during training

There is also a skateboard legend Tony Hawk in Tokyo