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De Croo keeps quiet on wage negotiations: “The government has already faced hotter fires” |  The interior

De Croo keeps quiet on wage negotiations: “The government has already faced hotter fires” | The interior

Prime Minister Alexander de Crowe (Open Vld) confirmed Friday afternoon that wage negotiations will be on the board of the federal government, now that the social partners have not been resolved. He said that had not yet led to a rise in the effort. “We will reach an agreement together, as we have already done during the past seven months,” she said after the cabinet.


Last updated:
April 21-30, 19:24


Prime Minister de Crewe and Minister of Labor and Economy Pierre Yves Derman on Thursday made a final attempt to bring the social partners back to the negotiating table after wage negotiations failed. This worked, but the differences of opinion on raising the maximum wage in the private sector for the next two years turned out to be very large. Trade unions and employers will continue to negotiate Other topics, such as an end-of-career blueprint or minimum wage.

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Thus, the wage negotiations will move once and for all to the government table. This file is subject to explosions, especially after a clash between the heads of the liberal and socialist government parties earlier this week. Even Leading President Conner Russo put on the table Article 14 of the Faulty Wage Act 1996, which means that Dividend distribution is restricted If no agreement is reached on a wage increase.

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However, the dispute has not crept into the government, as Prime Minister de Crowe suggested Friday afternoon at the Post Cabinet press conference. For example, Article 14 has not yet been discussed.


We will not let ourselves be excited

Alexander de Crowe (Open Vld)

He said, “We would have liked the social partners to reach an agreement, but we reached good agreements within the government on how we dealt with this matter.” “We have so far managed to keep my cool, I have no reason to believe that it will not be possible in the next few days. We will reach an agreement together, as we have done for the past seven months. We have already faced much hotter fires.”

In any case, the prime minister defends “a balanced agreement that takes into account portability, for both employees and employers.” De Crow did not put a specific timer for this. “We will not let ourselves be turned.”

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“We have so far managed to keep our cool, and I have no reason to believe that this will not be possible in the coming days,” said Prime Minister De Crowe. © Photo News