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Filming of the fantasy series ‘De club’ begins: ‘I always thought we were the exceptions’ |  showbiz

Filming of the fantasy series ‘De club’ begins: ‘I always thought we were the exceptions’ | showbiz

TVOn Monday, filming of the new fantasy series “De club”, a program about people who have no clear desire to have children, began. Not far from my bed for screenwriters Leander Verdievel and Zita Theunynck, because they had to deal with it themselves.

The new fantasy series “The Club” has been described as “a series about the club you don’t want to belong to.” In other words: a club of people whose desire to have children is not obvious. The series follows three couples who become friends in the waiting room of a fertility service. In the lead roles we see Janne Desmet, Dominique Van Malder, Jade Olieberg, Evelien Bosmans, Roos Dickmann, Achraf Koutet and Lies Visschedijk.

The series was designed and written by Leander Verdevil (‘Feeling a Tumor’), Sarah Tunink, Zeta Theonink (‘Arcadia’), Hilda Palin (‘Look at Me’) and Astrid Van Keulen, and directed by Ton Slimbrook (‘Tom and Harry). Screenwriters Leander Verdevil and Zeta Theonink were also an unexpected part of the club. For example, Verdeville became infertile after a strenuous treatment for cancer, about which he also wrote one series, “Sense of a Tumor.” “I always thought we were exceptions. Because all our friends were able to have children without any problems. But suddenly you find yourself in a crowded and quiet waiting room, full of couples with the same problem. At 6:15 am I stare at tacky pictures of cauliflower babies and a wall full of ads The birth of those who did. That’s why I want to tell this story. To describe the surrealism of wanting to have children, but also of hoping to put an end to the silent grief of infertility.”

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The series can be watched on One and Prime Video in 2023.