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German Health Minister: The Germans will…

German Health Minister: The Germans will…

Germans will be “vaccinated, cured, or killed” by the end of winter as a result of the current coronavirus outbreak in the country. This is what Health Minister Jens Spahn said on Monday.

Source: Belgian

Spahn once again called on his countrymen to get vaccinated in light of the massive increase in the number of coronavirus infections in recent weeks. Germany has been particularly hard hit in the south and east by a new wave of infections, which experts and politicians say is mainly due to a vaccination rate (68 percent) that is among the lowest in Western Europe.

Outgoing Chancellor Angela Merkel and her potential successor Olaf Schulz decided on Thursday to tighten measures on unvaccinated people, but reject the mandatory vaccination of all. More than 99,000 people in Germany have died from the effects of COVID-19 since the beginning of the pandemic.

“We are in the fourth wave and the situation is very difficult in many hospitals in Germany,” Spahn told a news conference.

In recent days, Germany has recorded the largest number of infections since the beginning of the epidemic, with more than 65,000 in 24 hours last week. On Monday, the seven-day infection rate per 100,000 residents hit a record high of 386.5 according to the Robert Koch Institute, Scinsano’s German counterpart.

The growing number of cases has led to the reimposition of restrictions in most parts of the country, including sweeping lockdowns in Saxony and the southern state of Bavaria.

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