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Home measurement and monitoring of IBD patients – ICT and health

Home measurement and monitoring of IBD patients – ICT and health

People with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis should bring their stool to the hospital regularly to have it checked. They receive the results of this test after two weeks. Maartje Wassink (gastroenterologist) and Marion van Weveren (nursing specialist) from WZA were looking for a practical solution so that patients did not have to come to the hospital so often I started Early February using IBD-Connect for home measurement and monitoring.

Home measurement and home monitoring

IBD-Connect is a home measurement software that can be used via the Luscii Home Measurement app. In the application, the patient fills out a questionnaire about his complaints and the patient performs a stool test at home. Special tests for home measurements are provided by the MDL Clinic. The patient can instantly view and report test results at home in the app. If there is a reason for this, we will contact you to see patients.

The stool test is somewhat similar to the coronavirus self-test that has been used in recent years. Because the test can be read instantly, there is no longer any delay in the process. Previously, there was a two-week period between testing and results. During these two weeks, the situation in the intestines sometimes changed, so I was always behind the times. Based on the results of the stool test and the completed questionnaire about complaints, the patient receives adequate information and advice. This new examination method also makes it clear faster whether there is a worsening of the condition or inflammation of the intestine. This means that treatment can start more quickly.

The new digital care path

In addition to the questionnaire and stool test, the app also provides basic information about inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The patient can select relevant information and read it at the time of his or her choice. If patients have questions about their disease, information they have read, or their treatment, they can ask these questions in the BeterDichtbij app and discuss it with their gastroenterologist.

Gastroenterologists at Elisabeth-TweeSteden Hospital (ETZ) started a completely new path of digital care for patients with chronic gastroenteritis in the middle of last year. The system contributes to improved self-management and may make 4,500 (telephone) consultations per year redundant. The care pathway is fully integrated into the patient portal and EPD. In this way, patients suffering from, for example, Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, can gain more knowledge about their disease and its treatment.

Ron Smits