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Imams, sports coaches, and neighbors used to increase their preparedness for vaccinations

Imams, sports coaches, and neighbors used to increase their preparedness for vaccinations

The Hague –
The municipality of The Hague will deploy “key figures” such as neighboring parents, sports coaches and imams to increase the desire for vaccination among specific target groups. Participation in the National Immunization Program (RVP) shows major differences in The Hague, as in Rotterdam, Amsterdam and Utrecht, between children and youth from families of immigrant and non-immigrant backgrounds. The main numbers will also be used to increase preparedness for vaccinations against Corona.

The differences are greatest between 14-year-olds, cervical cancer (HPV) and meningococcal (MenACWY). Young people of Turkish and Moroccan descent appear to be the least immunized against HPV and meningococcal diseases. This is followed by young people from Surinamese, European, Antilles and other immigrant backgrounds.

Participation in the NIP is highest among young people from families without an immigrant background. This is the first time that an analysis of vaccination coverage has been conducted for different immigrant backgrounds, following concerns from the youth health care system about lack of vaccination coverage among different migrant groups.

Migrants and those with low illiteracy

The municipality is responsible for NIP, which protects children and young adults from twelve infectious diseases. The municipality has no influence on the approach and policy regarding vaccination against Corona, and it is the responsibility of the Ministry of Health, Welfare, Sports and RIVM.

During the month of May, it will be the turn of the 18-60 year-old group of vaccinations against Corona. RIVM is concerned that this group will be less inclined to pollinate. Concerns are greater for immigrants and those with less education, who are often difficult to reach for government. In order to better reach this group, various small meetings will be organized from May 17th where they receive specially designed vaccination information from key VIPs, such as neighborhood parents, sports coaches, and religious leaders. GGD Haaglanden provides medical support.

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Read also: Holland Maiden: ‘Everyone can have their first injection before mid-July’