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Kamal Kharmash masters the art of formulating a harsh message in a way that you can almost accept with laughter

Kamal Kharmash masters the art of formulating a harsh message in a way that you can almost accept with laughter

Jean Debaker focuses on infinity. today: The actions of others.

Jean Debaker

“We are not chatterboxes.” Three of them sat next to each other at the table: Father Andre and brothers Jeff and Dries. The first is responsible for fermentation, and the second for the farm, which provides all the raw materials for the beer. Together the trio makes up Hof Ten Dormaal, a microbrewery that seems to have everything it takes to succeed. Except they don't talk to each other.

It was very painful to see how brothers lived next to each other and barely knew what the other was thinking. And when Jeff took his frustrations out on the table – he was tired, had no energy left, didn't have any friends and working at the brewery was affecting his family life – Dries immediately took that off the table.

Meanwhile, Father Andre saw nothing but thunderclouds hanging over the farm. “I have no idea how to make things better.” Congratulations on having the courage as a family to be so open and honest on TV. Confrontation, but in this case is also undoubtedly necessary.

Kamal Kharmash in the first episode of The actions of others Once again an excellent case presented itself for challenging his economic laws. Not only was there a lack of communication, but the family also had very little knowledge of entrepreneurship and personalities. With 23 beers on offer, their supply was very large – resulting in an unsold stock of 100,000 litres. It is also clear that they have not heard of the Hachette farm/brewery's marketing and sales strategies. The result for Hof ten Dormal? Cumulative loss of €142,000 over the past four years.

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Perfectly suited for the most famous accountant in Flanders. Kharmash taught the family how to better focus on one beer and took Jeff by the hand during his attempts to convince the cafés and Delhaize to include Saison beer in their lineup. Help was urgently needed, because it turned out that Jeff was not a natural speaker. “I hate it. I admit I don’t like talking to people. But Kharmash has mastered the art of crafting the harsh message in a way that you almost accept with laughter. Or how action and emotion shouldn’t be in conflict.”

And of course it helps that the cameras are there to pull the company out of the doldrums – would Delhaize have agreed too if Kamal Kharmash had not been at the table? You can also ask questions about the added value of some experts. A marketing expert who suggests two huge English names – Farmer's Delight and Farmhouse Fresh – for such a beer from a small Flemish brewery, first of all, proves that he does not understand the spirit of the family business at all. There was also modest silence about the big reserve at the end, but the transformation at Hof ten Dormal was massive. The brothers were no longer fighting, and the desire for brewing and farming had returned.

to The actions of others VRT still has gold on its hands: informative, inspiring, relaxing, relaxing and entertaining, it has it all.

The actions of othersEvery Thursday on VRT 1 and VRT Max.