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Limiting parking time should increase the flow of electric vehicles at charging stations |  The interior

Limiting parking time should increase the flow of electric vehicles at charging stations | The interior

Parking time restrictions will soon also apply to charged electric cars. The government is preparing an amendment to traffic regulations for this purpose. As a result, a charged electric vehicle will not be considered a stationary vehicle. Transportation Minister George Gilkinet (Ecolo) answered a question from Representative Marian Verhart (Open Vld), “Charging electricity is not the same as loading bags.”

As is well known, the federal government is committed to greening the vehicle fleet. The ambitiousness means that from 2026, only electric company cars can benefit from the tax credit system. So Verhart referred to the minister to the need for charging infrastructure and the difficulty that electric vehicle drivers might face in finding a parking space with a charging station.

According to Verhaert, the problem is that according to current road law, parking spaces at the charging station can only be occupied by electric or hybrid vehicles. “However, parking time is not limited to charging time. In other words, parked electric cars can occupy the parking spaces of charging stations, without using the charging station. This impedes the efficient use of the charging infrastructure.”

Minister Gilkinette confirmed that work is under way on a royal decree project that would complement the definition of “parked vehicle” with electric cars equipped with an additional battery. In other words, there will be restrictions on parking time.

There will also be a new base layer that reserves parking space for electric or hybrid cars for the time it takes to charge the battery, and no longer. In addition to the option to locate places in a timely manner, the new demand board provides road authorities with the opportunity to ensure more rotation of places where freight infrastructure is available, according to the minister.

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