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LUMC students abroad: “The most important reason to study in Leiden”

LUMC has invested heavily in the design of this outdoor program in recent years and ensures that the experience is not just a fun outing, but has a steep learning curve. This applies to both LUMC students and local students and supervisors who participate. LUMC teachers and coordinators travel and exchange teaching experiences with teachers in host countries.

During the third year of the various bachelor’s programs at LUMC, students can take an elective course in Cuba, Indonesia or Tanzania. They conduct research in those countries for four weeks and work with local colleagues to conduct fieldwork, laboratory and data analyses. Students also write a paper and present their research results at the partner university and upon return to LUMC.

Operations and delivery experience

Sim Tekken in Cuba.

Sim Teken, 20 years old (pictured right), biomedical sciences student. Writing from Cuba: “The opportunity to travel abroad was one of the most important reasons for me to study in Leiden. In order to experience (bio)medical sciences from a broader global perspective. I chose to study half of the global health course in Cuba. To do this you first have to take classes in the Netherlands for a few weeks and then You stay in Cuba for a month.”

“In the morning, the program consists of visits to general clinics, hospitals and various specialized institutions. This means that you have a lot of contact with patients, you can attend operations and experience childbirth. In the afternoon, you work with your bilateral partner on a study that we Cubans need to do.” Interviews about it.”

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“You can take beautiful trips on the island on weekends. Be aware that the situation in Cuba is very different than in the Netherlands. If you are aware of this and open to it, it is a great experience and a real addition to your studies.”

A special and exciting opportunity

Jett Vroomen (20 years old) is a medical student. Writing from Tanzania: “I chose the topic Minor Infections in Health and Disease in Tanzania because I thought it was a very special and exciting opportunity to see what the world of medicine is like in Tanzania. I was hoping to learn a lot from the Tanzanian students who were working in this field. The program and also discover Tanzanian culture.”

“The Tanzanian and Dutch supervisors guided us throughout the entire program. The Tanzanian students were very hospitable and made us feel like we could ask for anything.”

“We went to four secondary schools in and around Moshi to do field work. We learned a lot from talking to schoolchildren and doing tests. Then we had to ask our own research question and analyze the samples we collected ourselves and process them” in the laboratory (pictured on the left ). “This was completely new, but very educational, as the researchers helped us overcome the challenges we faced.”

Working in a different culture

Bock Versteeg (20 years old) is a student in biomedical sciences. Writing from Indonesia: “For my semi-minor I chose Infections in Health and Diseases in Indonesia. During the minor you first receive classes in the Netherlands on infectious diseases. Then you go to the Indonesian city of Makassar for four weeks to investigate parasitic infections in children yourself.”

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“This research starts with collecting samples and data in schools. Then you process these samples yourself in the laboratory. Finally, you analyze the data to reach a conclusion and write an article.”

“Indonesian students are also involved in research. It has been very interesting and educational to work with people from a different culture, which you also learn more about. During the subspecialization period, you have to work hard, but fortunately there is time available during the weekends. Still There is time for pleasant walks.”

Presentation of research results

The students returned this week. On Friday, November 10, students from Indonesia and Tanzania will present their research findings during the final symposium and give poster presentations in the lobby of the Education Building (Building 3). Those interested are welcome to come and have a look between 1:30pm and 3:30pm.