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Major update to ZwangerWijzer for people who want to have children

The College of Perinatal Care (CPZ) said the ZwangerWijzer website has been completely updated. On the site, people who want to have children can fill out an online questionnaire. Accordingly, they gain insight into any risks they have or may be exposed to during the pregnancy or baby, and receive personalized advice. They can take this with them for possible consultation. Healthcare providers can use ZwangerWijzer to provide counseling before and during pregnancy. CPZ reports this.

The online questionnaire offers a broad risk screening in the areas of lifestyle, family, origin, work, home, diseases, medications, vaccinations, previous pregnancy, feelings and experiences. “ZwangerWijzer is scientifically validated, the content is based on guidelines and developed in collaboration with our interdisciplinary editorial board and external experts,” explains project leader Elsbeth van Vliet. The questionnaire is completed by more than 50,000 people each year, making extensive data available for research into pre-pregnancy health.

ZwangerWijzer update

On the new website, all questions, risk messages and informational texts have been updated, expanded and made more accessible. The number of modules has been expanded and ZwangerWijzer has been made more comprehensive, so everyone can familiarize themselves with questions and information.

Erasmus MC and Perined Management ZwangerWijzer.

Written by: National Health Care Guide / Johan Levinsky

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