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Notifications in public from now on with the Fixi app

Notifications in public from now on with the Fixi app

Photo: Decos Information Solutions

Redin Municipality – Is the light pole broken? Does loose paving stone create unsafe parking? From December 15, 2021, residents can easily send these and other notices in public places via the website or by using the Fixi app on their smartphone.

Notifications are much easier now. Correspondents see a map of the area and can easily indicate which location is included. You can also see very quickly whether a report has already been made, and whether there are other reports in the area. Reporters can fill out a description, possibly upload a photo and the report has been completed.

Progress can also be easily tracked via Fixi. The reporter is constantly informed of the way his report is being processed, but can also easily see for himself.

Working with Fixi also has many advantages for the employees of the municipality of Riden. Both customer call center staff and implementers have a better overview of reports and progress. This way they can also help residents better and faster.

More information can be found at

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