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Older brother Dmitriy has bad news about Vera

Older brother Dmitriy has bad news about Vera

This week quite a few former residents returned to Big Brother’s house. Only temporarily, but still. Dmitriy appeared, among others. Without Vera. Many viewers immediately feared that this meant that the relationship had ended.

Fortunately, fear of breakage is unjustified

But nothing could be further from the truth: Vimi is still there. However, Vera can’t be there because she contracted coronavirus: a very sad timing for the blonde, only when she had a chance to reunite with the other residents for a while.

agricultural quarantine

Vera is in quarantine and therefore not allowed to enter BB’s house because she can infect other participants; The outbreak so close to the last week can be very disturbing.. Luckily Vera was able to enjoy the party at home yesterday on livestream, with Demi there!

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A selection of tweets about Vera/Demi:

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