Cheraw Chronicle

Complete News World

Pro-Beijing candidates have won the controversial Hong Kong election

Pro-Beijing candidates have won the controversial Hong Kong election

Pro-Beijing candidates have won Hong Kong’s recent parliamentary elections, raising concerns that China is suppressing independence in the city.

Some candidates called for a “decisive victory” in the polls, with just over 30 percent of the vote, up from half the turnout in 2016. Reuters Named.

“But 1.35 million people came to vote – that’s not to say it’s not … an election that did not get much support from the people,” Hong Kong President Gary Lam said Monday. Although Lam admitted that the turnout was low, he did not explain why, according to the news service.

Meanwhile, some have argued that the vote was legal, especially considering the recent passage of China’s National Security Act and the imprisonment or deportation of Democratic candidates in Hong Kong for wanting to run for office, Reuters added.

Only candidates considered “patriotic” were allowed to enter, which provoked some, including a coalition of foreign leaders. Words Condemns the election.

“We, the Foreign Ministers of Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United Kingdom, and the US Secretary of State are aware of the election results for the Legislative Assembly in Hong Kong and express our deep concern about the erosion of the democratic elements and the electoral system for the Special Administrative Region,” the statement said.

“Actions that undermine Hong Kong’s rights and freedoms and high autonomy threaten our shared will for Hong Kong’s success,” he added.