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Rachel Hazes: “Andre came into my bedroom when I was fifteen years old and we had sex” |  Showbiz

Rachel Hazes: “Andre came into my bedroom when I was fifteen years old and we had sex” | Showbiz

ShowbizRachel Hazes (51) had sex with Andre Hazes for the first time when she was fifteen years old. The 34-year-old singer entered her bedroom while caring for his son Melvin. The artist at the time was still with Ellen Wolf. Rachel wanted it, but it also happened to her, she said Wednesday night in the documentary series “Little Boy”.

She said that Rachel and Andre first met when she was 12. Her father, Jan Van Galen, was a big fan of the singer and went to a cafe in Rotterdam with little Rachel, where he performed. Then Andre started singing “A Little Love” and then he pushed me forward. He wanted to sing it with me. Actually very special, because only you are 12 years old you know what you are singing.

When she was only 15 years old, she became a babysitter at Andre and Ellen’s house for a while. It was known for quite some time that the two had feelings for each other, but not that they also shared a bed at the time. “There were some things that happened there that were actually unacceptable,” Rachel said tonight.

“Ellen was not home, she went to bed. Then at some point Andre came into my bedroom. Then something happened, say. Then we really had sex the first time. Andre was also my first friend with whom I made love.”


I had no intention of sleeping with Andre. Maybe sometime, or something like that, but when I was 15 years old, that wasn’t a problem for me yet.

Rachel Hazes

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At the time, she hadn’t thought of a sexual relationship with her father’s idol at all. “Of course, we did it together, but it surprised me. I had no intention of sleeping with Andre. Maybe at some point, or something like that, but when I was 15, it didn’t really happen to me yet, so it really happened to me.

Read under the picture.

Andre and Rachel at their wedding. © ANP

A declaration of love

According to Rachel, Andre wanted more. “At one point Andre started calling me, it was kind of a declaration of love. Then it turned out that Eileen was listening. (…) So this situation was not pleasant. She thought, of course, he had someone else, but she did not expect I should be. Then I chose to get out of the picture with Andre for a while. ”

Five years later, they saw each other again when André gave a prom in Rotterdam. “In the first sentence he referred to me, in other words, it’s good to be here. He gave his phone number and said call me. That’s what we did.” The two eventually got into a relationship.


If I saw him on the street now, I would have attacked that man. But being my parent makes it completely different.

André Hazes Jr.

To attack

Young Andre Hazes was still lashing out last year about the age difference between his parents. “Perhaps what I think is the worst part of the story is my grandfather and my grandmother, so my father is my mother,” he said on the Flemish show Het huis. “If I had a daughter who was twelve or fourteen years old, and she was going to go home with a guy who is nineteen years older … Yes, it could be Andre Hazes, but I don’t accept that.”

The singer, who had relationships with Monique Westenburg, who was sixteen years older and Bridget Masland, who was twenty years older, continued: “If I saw him on the street now, I would have attacked that man. But my being my father makes it completely different. …) as a kid I never realized that the difference was really so big. ”

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