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Reuters: Consider DSMC building 3nm chip factory in US – IT Pro – News

DSMC may want to build a 3nm chip semiconductor plant in Arizona. Anonymous sources in the Reuters news agency reported. The plant will complement DSMC’s current expansion plans within the United States.

Sources familiar with TSMC’s plans say the proposed 3nm plant will cost $ 23-25 ​​billion. To Reuters. This is double the 5nm plant already under construction in Arizona; It will cost $ 10-12 billion to build.

Reuters reports Earlier this month In addition to this 5nm plant, TSMC plans to further expand its production capacity in Arizona. The chip maker wants to set up five more chip factories on a DSMC campus in the US state.

The manufacturer will now discuss domestically whether the next factory in the United States should become an advanced facility for making chips in DSMCs. 3nm-node, Including small scale Danger-Production This year is already starting In Taiwan. A source told Reuters that DSMC employees have outlined plans to make 2Nm chips and smaller in the US as the Arizona campus expands over the next ten to 15 years.

Earlier this month, a lobbying group called Semiconductors in the United States Alliance Sued the US government To put money into American chip production capacity. The lobby group is asking President Biden’s government for a $ 50 billion investment. In addition to major technology companies such as Apple, AMD, Qualcomm and Nvidia, DSMC has also signed the call. It is not surprising, then, that DSMC does not appear to be planning to expand its production capacity in the United States.

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It seems that this invitation will be accepted; Reuters Announced Friday Four U.S. senators are set to introduce a $ 52 billion funding plan for the semiconductor sector. The US president has been calling for investment in the chip sector for some time. For example, Biden has already mentioned and writes of a potential funding plan for the U.S. chip sector in March The Wall Street Journal.

A clean room in one Fab Van DSMC Bron: Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Ltd