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The Chadian Military Council refuses to negotiate with the Republic of Chad …

The Chadian Military Council refuses to negotiate with the Republic of Chad …

The Chadian Transitional Military Council announced, on Sunday, that it will not negotiate with the rebels who launched an attack on the regime two weeks ago. The army is accused of killing President Idriss Deby Itno.

It also called on neighboring Niger to “work together to facilitate the arrest of these war criminals.” Council spokesman said on state television. “This is not the time to mediate or negotiate with outlaws,” he said.

“The defense and security forces (…) backed by the air force have located the enemy. They have been distributed in small groups and are being regrouped on Nigerian soil. Their leader Muhammad Mahdi Ali will be there as well. Wanted for war crimes by the prosecutor in Tripoli. Its terrorist financing assets have been frozen. “

No ceasefire

Mahdi Ali, leader of the FACT rebel group, confirmed to France Press that he was still in Chad, specifically in Kanem province, on the border with Niger, 400 kilometers north of the capital, N’Djamena.

FACT announced on Saturday that it was open to a ceasefire after an attempt at mediation that began the previous day between the army and the rebels by the presidents of Niger and Mauritania. But Sunday evening, in response to the military council’s refusal to negotiate, he said: ‘If they want to go to war, we will go to war. If they attack us, we will respond.

Chadian President Idriss Déby Itno passed away last week From the wounds he sustained in the forehead. Then a military council took over, headed by his son, Muhammad Idris Déby.

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