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The culprit with style statements to the police by a helicopter

The culprit with style statements to the police by a helicopter

A coveted fraudster in New Zealand arrived at the police station yesterday. The man, who had been hiding in a remote area for several weeks, realized it was time to surrender. But he made it a spectacular thing. Flew to the station in a rented helicopter.

For five weeks, a man named James Bryant hid himself in a small village. He had a great time there. ‘Oh man, it was so much fun. I have done a lot of yoga. You can’t really tell from my body, but it was so much fun, ”he told me Local media.

Oysters and champagne

However, Bryant, who wanted to keep the weapons, saw that he could not continue like this anymore. He was looking for a lawyer and with him he went to a luxury restaurant. There they had lunch with oysters and champagne. According to Bryant, this is his “first decent meal of the week.”

Come and join the walk

The lawyer arranged with the police that the desired person would be quietly arrested. They rented a helicopter and while lunch was in it, the couple flew it to the New Zealand Police Station. The fleeing man would have paid for the helicopter himself because he wanted to come ‘in style’. Bryant was later arrested without any problems.

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