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The Dutch minister suffers from exhaustion and is suspended for at least three months …

The Dutch minister suffers from exhaustion and is suspended for at least three months …

Outgoing Dutch Minister of Economic Affairs Bas Van Woot is suffering from exhaustion. Therefore, he is resigning from his post for at least three months. It is extraordinary for a high-ranking politician to admit to being exhausted.

Van’t Wout Burnout releases a musical chair dance from The Hague. Vanuat himself would be replaced immediately by Secretary of State Steve Blok. He will be replaced by Sigrid Kaag, D66 Leader and Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, who currently combines the two posts.

The Cabinet announced that it is also looking for an additional Minister of State for Economic Affairs, given the relatively large size of this briefcase. The new Minister of State will be responsible for climate and energy issues for the remainder of the interim cabinet, and will be appointed from the VVD departments.

Van ‘t Wout was active as Minister of Economic Affairs for a relatively short period. He succeeded Eric Webbs in January, after he was forced to step down over the benefits issue. Before that he was Minister of State for Social Affairs, replacing Tamara Van Ark. She moved to the position of Minister of Medical Care.

Before Van’t Wout joined the cabinet, he was vice president of the VVD. Previously, he was an Amsterdam chancellor and political assistant to Mark Rutte, then Secretary of State for Education.