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TK2023: BBB wants additional investment in infrastructure and air cargo space

TK2023: BBB wants additional investment in infrastructure and air cargo space

How are trade and logistics interests more reflected in the new BBB program? We see that the BBB has adopted many of the points from our 10-point program into its program. This is good news for trade and logistics. The three most striking points: Improving cooperation between SMEs and universities in the field of digitalization and sustainability, BBB wants to invest heavily in infrastructure and endorses the importance of air freight. We will discuss this in more detail below.

The BBB pays a lot of attention in its program to digitalization among small and medium-sized businesses. There will be an accessible scheme especially for innovation among small entrepreneurs and the opportunity to demonstrate the effectiveness of their innovations through “pilot projects” (testing grounds). It also encourages improved links between universities of applied sciences and Dutch companies in the field of digitalization and sustainability. The BBB also calls for the appointment of a Minister for Digitalisation.

Good infrastructure is crucial for the effective and efficient use of mobility and transport. The BBB takes into account good physical infrastructure such as: waterways, airways, railways, highways, pedestrian and bicycle paths. The party considers additional investments in bicycles, railways, highways and waterways to be important: the infrastructure budget will be increased structurally.

  • Innovation in the aviation sector

The BBB wants to give the aviation sector the opportunity to innovate bigger, faster and work toward a clean future. BBB wants good, accessible air freight and a good network of international connections: this remains important to our business community and business climate.

Register for “The Great Trade and Logistics Debate” on November 3

In the run-up to the House of Representatives elections, we are organizing the “Great Trade and Logistics Debate” on 3 November 2023 from our warehouse in Zoetermeer. During this discussion, different political parties share and discuss their vision of the future based on three statements among themselves.

This is your opportunity to get to know the parties that have the best ideas and plans for trade, logistics and our country. to sign up You can do this via our website. You can choose to attend the discussion online or live among the audience.

House of Representatives elections (TK2023)

The November House elections are important for trade and logistics. As a representative of trade and production companies, efenedex would like to engage in discussions with new Members of Parliament to draw attention to important topics. In the coming weeks we will discuss the three most positive points for trading and production companies in a series of news stories for each political party. More information about the elections and our ten-point program for political parties It can be found here.