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Vee & Logistiek wants space from their new closet

Vee & Logistiek wants space from their new closet

In a letter to Mark Rutte (VVD) and Siegrid Kaag (D66), Vee & Logistiek President Helma Lodders called for a sustainable sector perspective to be included in the coalition agreement. This includes a level playing field within Europe, facilitating the export of livestock and strengthening the veal breeding structure.

According to Luders, the livestock and meat sector, where the livestock logistics sector is an important link, is under constant pressure. This is while you see that entrepreneurs in this sector are an important link in a vital food chain. This is why the head of Vee & Logistiek has submitted a file Brief to the leaders of the two parties.

In it, the organization is asking the new government to provide the space needed for a further transition from Dutch agriculture to a sustainable food supply, high-quality, affordable food and a strong future for all links in the chain.

Equal chances

For a sustainable revenue model and the Dutch economy, it is important to be able to compete on an equal footing with entrepreneurs in other European countries. “We will only succeed in this if there is a level playing field in terms of interpretation, implementation, enforcement and enforcement of laws and regulations,” Luders says in the letter.

In her opinion, the export of livestock should also not be discouraged. This requires an incentive. This export is important to the Dutch economy, because in addition to livestock, other products and services, such as stable equipment, also cross borders. “This also improves animal welfare in destination countries.”

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More NVWA Capacity

Lodders also points out that the Dutch Consumer Product and Food Safety Authority (NVWA) is under pressure. This causes bottlenecks that greatly affect livestock logistics entrepreneurs. So she argues in favor of expanding NVWA’s capacity, for example through wider deployment of practitioners, more flexibility, better planning, and greater professionalism for veterinarians.

In addition, Lodders is asking Cabinet to focus on consulting with the veal sector to make the sector more sustainable and to make funds available for it. Finally, measures must be taken to discredit and intimidate hard-working entrepreneurs in the livestock trade and transport. “We provide professional livestock farming and cannot allow others, for any reason, to endanger the livestock we transport.”