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Wapa predicts that apple and pear harvests will decline

Wapa predicts that apple and pear harvests will decline

Apple and pear production in the southern hemisphere is expected to fall by 7 and 6 percent this year, respectively, compared to last year. This was announced by the World Apple and Pear Association (WAPA).

Apple harvest is expected to be 4.8 million tonnes, down 7 per cent from last year. Brazil (-30 percent) and Argentina (-11 percent) in particular are expecting a sharp drop in apple production. But production is also lower in Australia (-3 per cent) and Chile (-2 per cent). Only New Zealand and South Africa have increased apple production (15 percent and 4 percent), respectively.

Chile is forecast to have more than 1.4 million tonnes of apple growers in the southern hemisphere this year. It is followed by South Africa (1,163,000 tonnes), Brazil (900,000 tonnes), New Zealand (590,000 tonnes), Argentina (445,000 tonnes) and Australia (311,000 tonnes). With over 1.7 million tons, gala is the most widely grown variety. However, production is expected to fall by about 7 per cent over last year.

Low production

The fact that pear harvests in the southern hemisphere countries will decline by 6 per cent this year is mainly due to lower production in Argentina (-13 per cent), Chile (-11 per cent) and Australia (-6 per cent). On the other hand, in New Zealand and South Africa, production is expected to increase by 31 and 5 per cent, respectively.

Argentina is the largest producer of pears with 522,000 tons, and is closest to South Africa (492,000 tons). Chile (122,000 tons), Australia (81,000 tons) and New Zealand (11,000 tons) are the farthest.

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Packham’s Triumph is the most popular variety with 444,000 tons, although it is down 4 percent compared to 2021. Exports are expected to decline by 6 per cent to 641,207 tonnes. This is mainly due to the 14 percent decline in Argentine exports.