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Is Star Wars bringing these villains to real life for the first time?

Is Star Wars bringing these villains to real life for the first time?

In the star WarsSmall The rebels Investigators first appeared. We saw these bad guys later in the game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen OrderAnd now it looks like they’re making their live appearances, too.

a series Obi-Wan Kenobi It may only include a live debut for the investigators. This all has to do with Actress Moses Ingram who has shown in her Instagram Story that she is busy training with a lightsaber.

Of the investigators
The fact that Ingram trained with a lightsaber was reason enough for Corey Van Dyck to contact sources within Lucasfilm. Van Dyke is active in the usually dependable Kessel Run submissions and on that platform states the actress is playing the role of a detective.

They were a group of warriors who were active for Emperor Palpatine and had powers of strength. The Inquisitors had a clear mission: to hunt down all the Capricorns who survived Order 66 and end their lives.

The Inquisitor Leader was a Pau’an warrior known as the Grand Inquisitor who hunted down Jedi Kanan Jarrus, padawan Ezra Bridger, and even Ahsoka Tano, among others.

Since the end Star Wars Rebels Inquisitors gradually took on a larger role in the franchise. They can be seen in the comics about Darth Vader as they seem to have been portrayed as potential competitors to Vader by Palpatine.

Since the series about Obi-Wan Kenobi also played a role for Hayden Christensen Like Darth Vader, it could be Obi-Wan that he gets to meet this dangerous group of villains.

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