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New Zealand dominated last rowing day, with no medal for the “Holland 8” at the Olympics

New Zealand dominated last rowing day, with no medal for the “Holland 8” at the Olympics

The final day of the rowing competition in Tokyo presented New Zealand with two gold medals. The men noticed a Greek surprise in the single skull, which was good for the first Greek rowing gold.

Women’s Single Skulls: Finally a win for Twigg

Is the single-skull of women with the highest number of participants in Tokyo. Thirty-two women tried through the heat, quarterfinals and semifinals to qualify for today’s final battle.

34-year-old New Zealand Emma Twick has no measure. She exited fast and continued her effort for 2,000 meters. He won the force by Olympic record: 7’13 “97.

For Twigg, the champion of LGBTQ rights, this is the culmination of a fruitful life. In 2014 he already became the world champion in Amsterdam, where he competed in his fourth Games in Tokyo (but he never won a medal).

Glad to know: Twick has already retired twice. Studying in Europe for the first time in 2015 and missing the medal again in 2016 after Rio. In 2018 she started again.

This is New Zealand’s second rowing gold.

Schiff men: Surprisingly Greek is the best

More tension in fights with men.

Favorite Porsche (Norway), Kriskonis (Lithuania), Nielsen (Denmark) and Martin (Croatia) were both surprised by the 24-year-old Greek Stephanos Endoscos, who never won a major rowing title for Tokyo.

He also reached the Olympic best time: 6’40 “45. Norway had to settle for Porsche silver and Grod Martin bronze.

For Greece, this is the first rowing title in its Olympic history. This is the first medal for a southern European country in Tokyo.

Eight with partner (F): Gold for Canada

Eight Romanians qualified for the final with a world record (5’52 “99) via Repsage, but they played no role with the eight women’s partner.

Olympic champion Kerry Kowler and Grace Brendercast appeared to be New Zealand’s favorites.

The Kiwis performed better, but strong Canadian women were unable to get them back. The bronze went to the Chinese women, who made themselves heard in the water on the 6th track. Win time: 5’59 “13.

Notable: Sub is a man in New Zealand. Caleb Shepherd will go down in history as the first male partner to win a medal in a women’s race. This has recently become a new rule.

Eight with Helmsman (m): “Holland 8” not involved

Among men, New Zealand, the top favorite, fully fulfilled its favorite role of eight with a partner.

In the copy of the World Cup final, the same six nations were in the water so they could now win gold. World champions Germany came in second, a short distance away, and Great Britain came in third.

The Netherlands, the 2019 vice-world champions, are not really in the final. The “Holland 8” victory took fifth place just over three seconds from New Zealand.

There is no sixth rowing medal for our northern neighbors who can look back on an exciting rowing competition.

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