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Ommelander Hospital for Coronavirus Outbreak in Heart / Lung Department

Ommelander Hospital for Coronavirus Outbreak in Heart / Lung Department

Shimda – Despite all the hygiene measures, such as hand hygiene, keeping distance, and wearing a mouth and nose mask, an increase has been observed since this week in the number of staff and patients who tested positive in the Heart / Lung Department of the Omelander Hospital.

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In recent days, 9 patients and 10 employees have been tested positive in this department (3A). The date of the first infection is from the end of last week. Although not a cause for concern at the time, widespread testing has begun among patients and staff, although they had no complaints. This has now revealed more infections.

As a precaution, all employees who have contacts in / with this department are tested on a regular basis. In total, this concerns about 100 people. As a result of this group of infections, admission of new patients to the cardiopulmonary section has been temporarily discontinued.

Unfortunately, it is temporarily not possible for patients who are still staying in Ward 3A to receive visitors (except in special cases).

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