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SpaceX takes a new step on a special Elon Musk mission

SpaceX takes a new step on a special Elon Musk mission

SpaceX is a special milestone. The spacecraft may go into space for the first time next month.

We all know Elon Musk’s mission by now. He first wants to go to the moon with SpaceX and then to Mars. That should happen with the Starship, which is currently being developed by SpaceX. The company has already done some testing, but it’s getting serious now. It really is a space travel with a spaceship for the first time.

Another milestone for SpaceX

SpaceX President Gwynne Shotwell says the company aims to actually launch the Starship into space in July. “We’re really on the verge of flying this system very soon, or at least trying the first orbital flight of this system,” she said. virtual meeting. She says there is a lot of pressure on the project.

SpaceX needs an orbital flight license from US authorities to allow it to operate the flight. This is a treat, but it is still unclear if it will be released in July. This may delay the test flight.

So far, not all of SpaceX’s test flights have gone well. For example, SN10 exploded during landing. The SN15 flight went better. It reached a height of more than 9 kilometers and fell to the ground without making a sound.

The future of spacecraft

If all goes according to plan, the unmanned test flight from Boca Chica (Texas) will take to the air sometime in July. The missile makes a trip around the world, eventually ending up at sea somewhere north of Hawaii.

But the SpaceX spaceship can do much more than that. The spaceship must also be able to carry cargo. Shotwell even hints that it may collect space debris in the lower layers of space around Earth, like old satellites.

However, SpaceX has to be fast. China is latent. The country previously announced that it also wants to conduct manned missions to Mars. This may be Elon Musk’s dream of being the first on Mars with SpaceX.

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SpaceX may go to space next month

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