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Zack Snyder has ‘Justice League 2’ and ‘3’ ready

Zack Snyder has ‘Justice League 2’ and ‘3’ ready

The launch of the .. the start of the .. the take off of the Justice League Zack Snyder It was a huge hit we hear – with the exception of HBO Max, because that doesn’t publish any numbers. Either way, he says Zack Snyder He has a story ready, if they want a sequel.

Snyder planned to tell a story in five films, starting with man of Steel And it peaked in the third Justice Squad-Movie. The two continue Justice League Zack Snyder It might never have been made, but Snyder had a pretty good idea where he was going.

the future
“Absolutely”, Snyder has started an interview with It’s Gone Viral about whether he’d like to direct a sequel. “Louis is definitely pregnant and then we’ll tell the story of her baby. That will be an important part of the story.”

Snyder envisions a future as Darkseid travels to Earth to kill pregnant Lois Lane in the Batcave. Then the sad Clark Kent falls into a formula against life, allowing Darkseid to subjugate and enslave him.

So the story is ready. “That’s not a question, I know what to do. But the truth is, I haven’t heard from Warner Bros., so I don’t know what they’re thinking. I love these characters and this world, but I know. Not what their plans are.”

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