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Florida is making it even harder to vote with the new law

Florida is making it even harder to vote with the new law

Former President Donald Trump’s residence in Palm Beach was signed Thursday by Florida Governor Ron Desantis on Thursday. Desantis caused a stir in the American media by excluding all television channels except the right-wing Fox News from signing. The U.S. House of Representatives and the Florida Senate passed a new election law in the southeastern state last week. This, among other things, confirms the strict rules on postal voting, which Trump continues to claim without any evidence of inciting election fraud and costing him the election.

Voters in Florida now have to apply for a postal ballot, which, according to experts, mainly benefits Republicans. Desantis said Thursday that the new law would prevent mass votes from being sent by post. Florida is one of the few U.S. states to implement electoral law reforms after the most polar elections late last year.

According to critics, the reforms are aimed at excluding groups of voters, especially minorities, from the polls. In Georgia, the new election law provoked strong opposition. President Biden and many other big corporations did not have a good word for reforms in that state, which came as a surprise to Democrats in the last presidential and Senate elections.

A similar reform bill is on the table in another important state, Texas. This is currently being debated in the regional parliament.

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