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New Film Production Will Smith Leaves Georgia For New Vote Act |  Movie

New Film Production Will Smith Leaves Georgia For New Vote Act | Movie

MovieThe US state of Georgia is no longer the right place to shoot the new “Emancipation” starring Will Smith (52). The reason is a controversial new law that was recently passed in this US state.

With the introduction of the new law, the state’s voting policy will be overhauled. People who vote in the absence of others have a shorter time to vote and must also do so at polling stations with fewer ballot boxes. Distributing free food and drink to waiting list voters, among other things, would also be considered a crime.

Producers Antoine Fuqua and Will Smith said in a statement that they “cannot conscientiously provide economic support for a government that enacts laws that impede voting.” According to them, Georgia’s new voting law reminds us of the post-Civil War era when many Americans were barred from voting. “Unfortunately, then we feel compelled to transfer production of our film from Georgia to another country.”

Registration for “Liberation” will begin on June 21st. In the movie, based on the true events of the Civil War, Smith plays Peter, a fugitive slave who leaves Louisiana in search of freedom. It is not yet known where the production will be moved.

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